Estonia | Põlvamaa | Põlva | Ahja
13 1 0- 1 Ahja Kiidjärve - Eoste  

Launching below the dam of Kiidjärve watermill or Nature Centre. Current is slow, the section is framed by scenic shores, sandstone outcrops, later the Ahja River smoothly broadens into the impounded lake of Saesaare. The section is suitable for families. If you wish to continue the trip, you have to carry the canoe into the canal located behind the power plant. The trip goes through Suur - ja Väike Taevaskoda (34). First part of the river up to the bridge of Otten’s mill (37) is rather rocky.

The following part of the river has a slow current. Last rockier spot is at the mill dam of Eoste roadway bridge.