The Ogre River flows through Madona, Ērgļi, Vecpiebalga, Lielvārde and Ogre regions. The length of the river is 188 km, decline 222 m, the main tributaries – the Līčupe and the Aviekste flows into the Daugava River. Ogre is the third longest river in Latvia, none of its sections has ever been dredged. In 2003, the Latvian Nature Fund experts found large concentration of specially protected habitats and plant species in the Ogre River. In the river valley there are 15 Latvian specially protected habitats. Its banks are clearly directed against the north and south, so each bank has its own microclimate. While in one bank there is green grass and ephemerals are blossoming, in the other side the snow has not yet melted. In many parts the banks have dolomite outcrops: Kalnrēžu dolomite sandstone at Rembate and Ogre dolomite cliff at the former Ogre cardboard factory are protected geological objects.
Values of Ogre Natural park are unregulated Ogre River valley with its coast landscapes, diverse forests what in autumns are rich in berries and mushrooms, broad meadows, river rapids, steep banks, springs, secular stones, secular trees and various other natural elements that inspire and delight both residents of Natural Park and also its visitors. Special natural value is attached to Ogre manor stork colony, which is one of the biggest white stork nesting sites Latvia.
Šis ir populārākais Ogres upes mašruta posms, ja gribas izbaudīt Ogres upes krācītes.
Maršruts sākās Ērgļos. Ērgļos, apm. 300m virs šosejas tilta, ir HES aizsprosts. Tas ir 4m augsts. Laivas ūdenī ērtāk laist no derivācijas kanāla puses vai arī labajā krastā pie tilta.
Apmēram 6-7km pēc Ērgļiem Ogre ir lēna, tad sākās Brāžu krāces - labākais Ogres augšteces posms. Vidējais kritums krācēs ir ap 3-3.5m/km. No sportiskā viedokļa lielā ūdenī šīs krāces ir interesantas un dažādas. Krāču garums apmēram 10km.
Brāžu krāču beigu daļā ir bij. Emmas dzirnavu, tagad Vecogres HES aizsprosts (nejaukt ar bijušajām Roplaiņu dzirnavām), arī ap 4m augsts.
Vienas dienas maršrutu no Ērgļiem parasti beidz pie Kalnadalbu brasla - no šejienes ir visīsākais ceļš atpakaļ uz Ērgļiem - 15km (svarīgi, ja tur palikuši auto).
Šis ir populārākais Ogres upes mašruta posms, ja gribas izbaudīt Ogres upes krācītes.
Maršruts sākās Ērgļos. Ērgļos, apm. 300m virs šosejas tilta, ir HES aizsprosts. Tas ir 4m augsts. Laivas ūdenī ērtāk laist no derivācijas kanāla puses vai arī labajā krastā pie tilta.
Apmēram 6-7km pēc Ērgļiem Ogre ir lēna, tad sākās Brāžu krāces - labākais Ogres augšteces posms. Vidējais kritums krācēs ir ap 3-3.5m/km. No sportiskā viedokļa lielā ūdenī šīs krāces ir interesantas un dažādas. Krāču garums apmēram 10km.
Brāžu krāču beigu daļā ir bij. Emmas dzirnavu, tagad Vecogres HES aizsprosts (nejaukt ar bijušajām Roplaiņu dzirnavām), arī ap 4m augsts.
Vienas dienas maršrutu no Ērgļiem parasti beidz pie Kalnadalbu brasla - no šejienes ir visīsākais ceļš atpakaļ uz Ērgļiem - 15km (svarīgi, ja tur palikuši auto).
Nobraucienu pa Ogri var uzsākt visai augstu - apmēram jau no Līderes.
Cirstos Ogre jau ir liela upe. No Cirstiem līdz Ērgļiem Ogrē ir diezgan daudz sīku straujteču un krācīšu. Kritums - apm 1.5m/km; upes platums 10-15m.
The Ogre River flows through Madona, Ērgļi, Vecpiebalga, Lielvārde and Ogre regions. The length of the river is 188 km, decline 222 m, the main tributaries – the Līčupe and the Aviekste flows into the Daugava River. Ogre is the third longest river in Latvia, none of its sections has ever been dredged. In 2003, the Latvian Nature Fund experts found large concentration of specially protected habitats and plant species in the Ogre River. In the river valley there are 15 Latvian specially protected habitats. Its banks are clearly directed against the north and south, so each bank has its own microclimate. While in one bank there is green grass and ephemerals are blossoming, in the other side the snow has not yet melted. In many parts the banks have dolomite outcrops: Kalnrēžu dolomite sandstone at Rembate and Ogre dolomite cliff at the former Ogre cardboard factory are protected geological objects.
Values of Ogre Natural park are unregulated Ogre River valley with its coast landscapes, diverse forests what in autumns are rich in berries and mushrooms, broad meadows, river rapids, steep banks, springs, secular stones, secular trees and various other natural elements that inspire and delight both residents of Natural Park and also its visitors. Special natural value is attached to Ogre manor stork colony, which is one of the biggest white stork nesting sites Latvia.
The Ogre River flows through Madona, Ērgļi, Vecpiebalga, Lielvārde and Ogre regions. The length of the river is 188 km, decline 222 m, the main tributaries – the Līčupe and the Aviekste flows into the Daugava River. Ogre is the third longest river in Latvia, none of its sections has ever been dredged. In 2003, the Latvian Nature Fund experts found large concentration of specially protected habitats and plant species in the Ogre River. In the river valley there are 15 Latvian specially protected habitats. Its banks are clearly directed against the north and south, so each bank has its own microclimate. While in one bank there is green grass and ephemerals are blossoming, in the other side the snow has not yet melted. In many parts the banks have dolomite outcrops: Kalnrēžu dolomite sandstone at Rembate and Ogre dolomite cliff at the former Ogre cardboard factory are protected geological objects.
Values of Ogre Natural park are unregulated Ogre River valley with its coast landscapes, diverse forests what in autumns are rich in berries and mushrooms, broad meadows, river rapids, steep banks, springs, secular stones, secular trees and various other natural elements that inspire and delight both residents of Natural Park and also its visitors. Special natural value is attached to Ogre manor stork colony, which is one of the biggest white stork nesting sites Latvia.
The Ogre River flows through Madona, Ērgļi, Vecpiebalga, Lielvārde and Ogre regions. The length of the river is 188 km, decline 222 m, the main tributaries – the Līčupe and the Aviekste flows into the Daugava River. Ogre is the third longest river in Latvia, none of its sections has ever been dredged. In 2003, the Latvian Nature Fund experts found large concentration of specially protected habitats and plant species in the Ogre River. In the river valley there are 15 Latvian specially protected habitats. Its banks are clearly directed against the north and south, so each bank has its own microclimate. While in one bank there is green grass and ephemerals are blossoming, in the other side the snow has not yet melted. In many parts the banks have dolomite outcrops: Kalnrēžu dolomite sandstone at Rembate and Ogre dolomite cliff at the former Ogre cardboard factory are protected geological objects.
Values of Ogre Natural park are unregulated Ogre River valley with its coast landscapes, diverse forests what in autumns are rich in berries and mushrooms, broad meadows, river rapids, steep banks, springs, secular stones, secular trees and various other natural elements that inspire and delight both residents of Natural Park and also its visitors. Special natural value is attached to Ogre manor stork colony, which is one of the biggest white stork nesting sites Latvia.
(+371) 28330027
Ropažu novads, Stopiņu pagasts, Līči, Poldera iela 10, “Sidrabozoli”
(+371) 28342558
(+371) 29247472
“Ziedoņi”, Jaunpiebalgas pagasts, Jaunpiebalgas novads, LV-4125
(+371) 25902905
(+371) 26567616